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History and Types of Bunk Beds

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The idea of bunk beds is thought to have come from ancient Egyptians who used the similar concept of loft beds.  To date, there are different types of bunk beds made from different materials you can choose from, offering great benefits and uses.

Bunk beds have gained its popularity because of their space-saving and multi-purpose benefits.  What really are bunk beds and where did they come from?  Here are some information on bunk beds you might find interesting:

Idea of bunk beds

Bunk beds are made up of two beds, one on top of the other.  A frame supports these two beds, along with a ladder going to the top bed.  There is really no evidence on how the use of bunk beds began or where it started.  However, during the ancient times, the Egyptians who introduced the use of beds, were found to have utilized a loft bed, which is similar to that of a bunk bed.  Others consider it as a type of bunk bed.

Bunk beds are ideal for rooms with limited floor space, such as small rooms, dorms, military camps, and even ships.  They are also fun for your kids who are sharing the same room.  These bunk beds are usually made up of wood or metal.

Different types of bunk beds

There are different types of bunk beds you can choose from according to your needs.  These bunk beds vary in style and size of beds used.  The most common types are twin over twin, twin over full, L-shaped, three bunk beds, and futon bunk bed.

  • Twin over twin.  This is simply described as a twin-sized bunk bed on top of another twin bunk bed.  Otherwise known as standard bunk bed, this is the most common type of bunk bed available in the market and sought after by users because it saves a lot of space.
  • Twin over full.  This type of bunk bed is a twin-sized bed on top of a full-sized bed.  You can also choose other bed size combination, such as full over full bunk beds, depending on your needs and the size of bed your room can accommodate.
  • L-shaped.  This type of bunk bed is designed in a such a way that it forms an L when viewed from the top.  The bottom bed is positioned forming a right angle with the top bed.  The other side is usually utilized as a working or study table great for you and your kids or designed with drawers.
  • Three bunk beds.  When you have only one room for your three kids, you can save a lot of space with this type of bed.  It features two twin-sized beds on top, perpendicular to each other, and one twin or full-sized bed at the bottom.  Same with an L-shaped bunk bed, the extra space at the bottom can be utilized depending on your kids’ needs.
  • Futon bunk beds.  Futon bunk beds are very practical for small rooms and apartments, where you can integrate a couch and bed with one piece of furniture.  This type of bunk beds are designed with a twin or full top bed and a bottom bed, usually full-sized, that can be converted into a couch for day use.

It is great to see how bunk beds have evolved from standard bunk beds to sophisticated futon beds and fun loft beds, allowing you to choose from many different styles that suit your needs.  Bunk beds nowadays do not only help you with your limited room space, but they also satisfy your style and help create a fun room for your kids to sleep, play, and study.



Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley: I'm a former 7th grade Science teacher turned stay-at-home mom that lives in Houston, Texas. I am married to my college sweetheart and have a beautiful daughter named Riley, that definitely keeps me on my toes! I am also involved in starting a small business which would both manufacture and sell an invention that I've patented, called Toothpaste 2 Go. I love interacting with my readers and hope to learn as much about you as you learn about me!