Imperfect Parenting: When It Isn’t Funny

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Sometimes, our 'imperfect parenting' moments aren't so funny. I wondered if I should write this post, because I didn't know if I was ready to get all serious and everything. In the end though, I decided that it's still an example of imperfect parenting- it's an experience to be sure, and I KNOW we all have these whether we are willing to admit them or not. To remove any unnecessary drama...yes, Linc is fine. He wasn't hurt a bit. Just knocked another couple of years off of my life, that's all.

I am no stranger to accidents in the home. The very first two with Brody were the 'Vibrating Bouncer on the Table Incident', and the second was 'Why You're Supposed To Strap Your Kid In The High Chair'. Linc is not quite yet a year old and I think we are up to three such incidents. The first was some freakish 'Near-Unconsciousness For No Reason/Ride In An Ambulance Incident'- the second was the 'Sliding Out Of The Infant Seat In The Parking Garage'...and now this one.

I don't think these are a joke. They're anything BUT funny. They strike a part of your core that you never knew you had until you become a parent. In the midst of one of these incidents, you would trade anything to feel the pain your child is experiencing, or give up a limb to go back in time and have it erased. Today I had the kind of experience where I threw myself - physically into our stairs, regardless of pain- just to stop my child from what I knew was going to happen.

In our house we have 5 baby gates in miscellaneous locations. We have one at the top and one at the bottom of our 17 step flight of  stairs. Sometime this week, Linc (one of the 11 month old twins) decided that he didn't think the gate at the bottom of the stairs to applied to him. He found that he could squeeze his head and body underneath the stairs and climb up. The first time I saw him attempt this, I was shocked, but didn't think he would do it again (?!). The second time, I said to myself and my husband- 'Hey, we really need to take a look at this. Linc can get under it and go all the way up!' The third time...yep. There was a third time...and that was the LAST time.

The stairs. He shimmied under the old gate at the bottom which had too big of a gap.


My dad was visiting. He isn't around little kids anymore, so wasn't really prepared with how busy my guys can be. We were in the kitchen trying to figure out what had happened to the stove. The guys were all in the living room (at last look) and doing fine (the kitchen blends into the living room- there isn't a wall or anything, it's an open floor plan). My dad and I walked around the corner to the dining room where he asked me for something and I said, 'Where's Linc?' But I knew. I knew before I even finished the sentence. I raced around the corner and saw him sitting on the landing with his back to me...stupid me- I startled him by saying 'Linc' -actually I kind of hissed it- and I saw him start. What happened next will forever be etched in my brain.

My mind realized that I didn't have enough time to open the gate and run up the stairs to catch him, so while it was processing this- my body flew into action. I swung open the gate and flung- yes, flung- that's the only way I can describe it- my body into the stairs- and up as far as I could. I couldn't process how to leap up them, I just flung myself and slammed my right shin into the stair so hard I thought I would break a bone.....regardless- what I was watching- was Linc, flopping down the stairs BACKWARDS towards me. That rag doll like free fall- oh my god, it was awful.  I caught him on the stairs about halfway. He was fine. He looked kind of dazed, but wasn't hysterical. He cried a little- which was good- I knew he was ok.

My dad couldn't believe what he just saw. He couldn't understand how he got up there- so I explained how I had seen him go underneath- and just about died myself because I KNEW HE COULD DO IT but I let it go anyhow. My dad immediately went into home improvement mode and made a plan on how to fix the situation. I was grateful, but oh so disappointed in myself for letting it go in the first place. What kind of mother was I? I knew that he could get up there- what did I expect to happen?!?!?!

The gate: My dad and husband bought two pieces of wood to place over the round railing so that they could lower the gate and eliminate the gap.


It's been a couple of weeks now since this incident and I still get the chills when I picture him falling down the stairs. I'm not a bad mom. I should have been more on top of the ball with it- but I didn't want this to happen. It was a wake up call to what potential disaster lies beneath- and what can happen when I ignore that little voice inside of me that says- 'You really should take care of this...'.

The new gap that he cannot squeeze under!

I hope my awful story gives someone the push they need to fix that whatever it is in their house that is a disaster waiting to happen. We sometimes take the lulls of no mistakes/accidents/bumps for granted and forget that our babies are constantly growing and more able-bodied. The last thing I'd want is for you to have a story like mine, or maybe even a worse case scenario that might not end as well.

Farrah: I thought my days as a high school English teacher were tough! I'm Farrah, a SAHM trying to keep my sanity with my toddler and 1 year old twin boys. We live in Greenville, SC with our two labs in the hot, hot summers and gorgeous winters. I love sharing this 'journey of imperfect parenting' with other moms - because we're all doing the best we can for the love of our children and sometimes it just doesn't turn out how we thought it would. When I'm not washing diapers or acting as a human jungle gym, I enjoy tending to my blog The Three Under.

View Comments (9)

  • Thanks for the tips. I'm expecting my first baby this coming march and as soon as now I'm preparing our house to be as safe as possible for the baby.

  • I know this was tough to share, but I want to say thank you! Thank you for for reminding me NOT to put off a couple of the last child proofing measures we've been planning. They will be done by the end of this weekend!

  • it took courage (spelled g-u-t-s) to share this. i applaud you! none of us are perfect moms but at the end of the day, we can look back and know we did the best we could...and if we find ourselves lacking a bit? do a little better tomorrow!

  • Amazing example of the subconscious awareness that moms have and the ability to do anything for their children. I will probably be OCD over baby gates when the time comes.

  • Thanks ladies! It wasn't something I'd want to experience again, nor want anyone else to go through either. We think we've always got it covered, but it just takes one slip.

  • I am a big ole blubber butt because I got tears reading this. My husband forgot to put to shut the gate once at the top of our stairs when Kinsley was 10 months old and she tumbled down them. I was sitting in the recliner on the laptop working and I jumped out of the chair, without putting the foot part down and bruised my shin pretty good on it. She was fine, but we weren't. I got hurt worse than her and he was a mess after. I feel your pain!

  • Gpsh, that brought me to tears.. Picturing the feeling of watching my daughter at 11 months, start to fall backwards down the stairs. I am so glad your little one is alright!!!! So so glad. I have had those moments where I think, I should fix that, and haven't I've been lucky in that nothing serious has come from it. This is a reminder to me that bad things do happen if you're not careful, even if you think "it could never happen to me." Thanks for the reminder!!

    By the way, I passed along The Versatile Blogger Award to you earlier, if you would like it. http://gowiththeflowmama.blogspot.com/2011/10/versatile-blogger-award.html

  • Oh, wow. I think we all have things that we know are issues and we let them go even when we know that we should fix them. I'm just glad your boy is all right!

  • Glad he's ok. It happens to the best of us,no matter how on the ball we are. My daughter took a spill down the stairs once when her brother left a door open. And I broke my son's leg when he was 1 because I was carrying him on the stairs and I fell. I thought it would be SAFER!