Me and Mom Matching Clothing for Mothers and Daughters

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One of the many things I adore about having a little girl is being able to dress her up in so many cute outfits!  When I'm out shopping, I always manage to find some cute little something that I just know Riley will look adorable in.  So, I was very pleased to find some of the stylish selections offered by Me and Mom.

They are a clothing company located in Canada that has some very trendy and unique fashions for children.  But what tickled me pink, was finding out that they also offer matching outfits for moms and daughters!  Occasionally, I have seen a mom and daughter dressed alike and just always figured that the mother must have sewn those outfits herself, since I've never seen them for sale before.

It's not that I can't sew, but I'm so busy these days that by the time I got two complete outfits made for both Riley and myself, Riley would have long outgrown whatever I made for her!

I reviewed the Luv U Dress for both me and my daughter from Me and Mom, which retails for $34.95 each.

The Me and Mom website is great for finding clothes for you or your child, since they offer SO many pictures of every item they sell!  I don't know how many times I've been disappointed with an online clothing purchase simply because what I got didn't end up looking like the one tiny picture that was displayed.  At Me and Mom, you will see every garment from a variety of angles and the pictures there are large and detailed too.

The Luv U Dress from Mom and Me is a sailor or nautical inspired dress with a cute double breasted button down collar, similar to a peacoat.  The sleeves are 3/4 length and the dress is supposed to fall to the knee.  As you can see from the pictures below, my dress actually landed well above my knee, but I liked where it hit.  Just be warned, that if you are tall or have long legs, this dress is not going to fall to your knee.  I am 5'8", just so you get a reference for the length of this dress.


I really loved the way these two dresses looked and since they were made of jersey knit material, they were VERY comfortable!  Riley's little dress just looked so cute on her and it was funny to see her surprised at being dressed like me.  She just kept looking at her dress and then back at mine and smiling and touching both dresses!  :)

Trying to get a toddler to pose for a picture is not always easy! :)


The only downside to the Matching Wear collection at Me and Mom is that the only adult size they offer is Medium.  While medium fit me okay, I really would have preferred a smaller size, since this dress was a little big on me.  Other than that, I couldn't be happier with these two "mommy and Riley" dresses I have now!  I just can't wait to take her out on the town with me while wearing our matching outfits, thanks to Me and Mom!

Disclosure:  I received the Luv U Dress for both myself and my daughter from Me and Mom in order to facilitate my review. No other compensation was received. This product review is based on my own personal experiences with this item and is completely honest and objective.


Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley: I'm a former 7th grade Science teacher turned stay-at-home mom that lives in Houston, Texas. I am married to my college sweetheart and have a beautiful daughter named Riley, that definitely keeps me on my toes! I am also involved in starting a small business which would both manufacture and sell an invention that I've patented, called Toothpaste 2 Go. I love interacting with my readers and hope to learn as much about you as you learn about me!