Leaf Loader Lawn Tool Cleans Up Fallen Leaves Quickly and Easily

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Colossal Christmas Countdown:

26 Days Until Christmas!


Autumn is my favorite season of the year, hands-down!  The crisp, clean air, beautiful foliage changing colors and covering the ground, and wonderful holidays such as Halloween and Thanksgiving, all culminate to make this one very special season.

Unfortunately, for my husband, autumn is a time of incessant raking, for we have two huge pine trees in our front yard that leave pine needles absolutely EVERYWHERE! Structured Solutions LLC has come up with a unique and handy idea which speeds up your lawn detail, called the Leaf Loader.  Keep reading to learn more!

I reviewed the Leaf Loader Lawn Clean Up Tool from Structured Solutions LLC, which retails for $39.95, but is currently on sale for $34.83 with FREE SHIPPING.

The Leaf Loader is actually a very unique and handy invention which claims to cut the time you spend raking leaves in HALF!  It's very easy to operate too.  Simply unfold the Leaf Loader and insert the heavy-duty nylon strap into one of the slots on the side across from it.

Pull this strap until the Leaf Loader reaches the desired width and secure the strap back onto itself.  Next, insert one end of the Leaf Loader into a trashcan, garbage bag or paper sack and start raking the debris into the other end.  Every now and then, turn the Leaf Loader upright so that all of the raked leaves slide down into the garbage sack, as shown in the pictures below.


The Leaf Loader can even be used to carry other lawn tools around or to help catch debris while cleaning your gutters.  When you're all finished using it, simply twist it once to fold it back up so that it can store flat in your garage.  The Leaf Loader is a very handy device which is sure to be my husband's newest outdoor helper!  Just check out the video below for more details on how to use the Leaf Loader.



If you want to give your hubby, father or boyfriend more time to watch the football games by spending less time raking leaves in the yard, then I highly recommend the Leaf Loader from Structured Solutions LLC.  The Leaf Loader would also make a wonderful gift too!

If your recipient gives you a strange look when they unwrap this Christmas morning, just tell them that you were only trying to make their chores easier and give them more time to watch the big games every week.  That should make you a big hit in their book then!  :)

Disclosure:  I received the Leaf Loader from Structured Solutions LLC in order to facilitate my review. No other compensation was received. This product review is based on my own personal experiences with this item and is completely honest and objective.
Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley: I'm a former 7th grade Science teacher turned stay-at-home mom that lives in Houston, Texas. I am married to my college sweetheart and have a beautiful daughter named Riley, that definitely keeps me on my toes! I am also involved in starting a small business which would both manufacture and sell an invention that I've patented, called Toothpaste 2 Go. I love interacting with my readers and hope to learn as much about you as you learn about me!