2012 is the Priciest Year for Gas ~ Top 7 Tips for Saving Money on Fuel

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The Associated Press reports a typical U.S. household will spend $4,155 on gas by year's end -- the biggest budget bite in 30 years.

Gas prices may have dropped precipitously in the last few months -- down an average of 12 percent at present since September -- but they're still hovering up there amidst the heavenly orbs. We can either hope Mars has plenty of "Texas tea" or start listening to consumer advice on how to save at the gas pump. Read on for seven such tips:

1. Discounts make cents.
Take advantage of grocery store club memberships that offer fuel discounts. Not only will you save a little on each purchase, you can find priceless satisfaction in sticking it to the oil tycoons, one dime at a time.

2. Make friends with your SmartPhone.
Though money doesn't grow on trees, gas stations seem to and prices seem to vary among the many options. So how to find the best deal? Enter Gas Buddy, your friendly mobile fuel-price finder. Input your zip code to find the name and location of a nearby station with the cheapest gas. Thanks, buddy!

3. Use public transportation.
If the idea of clutching the overhead rail on a public bus makes you dry heave, pop a Dramamine and shake it off. The money you'll save in gas by busing it even a couple times a week will give you plenty of extra cash to stock up on hand sanitizer.  Forget the family car hire too.

4. Get rewarded for your fuel use.
Most credit cards offer frequent flyer miles, but if you drive more than you fly these perks aren't as rewarding. CHASE Freedom offers 5% cash back on up to $1,500 spent at gas stations from Jan. 1 through Mar. 31 annually, and 1% cash back for the remainder of the year.

5. Buy discount gift cards.
Sites like GiftCardGranny.com sell gas gift cards for less than face value, which means you can save up to 10 percent off your annual fuel bill.

6. Take a swim in your vehicle.
Perhaps you've avoided carpooling because none of your coworkers take the same route. Consider some online help with CarpoolWorld.com, where you can post routes, ride requirements and even specify a non-smoking preference.

7. Lay off the lead foot.
Speeds exceeding 60mph forces your vehicle to overcome stronger wind resistance and burns fuel faster. So ease up off that gas pedal, and also be sure tires are properly inflated for optimal fuel efficiency.


Andrea Woroch is a consumer and money-saving expert for Kinoli Inc. She is available for in-studio, satellite or skype interviews and to write guest posts or articles.

Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley: I'm a former 7th grade Science teacher turned stay-at-home mom that lives in Houston, Texas. I am married to my college sweetheart and have a beautiful daughter named Riley, that definitely keeps me on my toes! I am also involved in starting a small business which would both manufacture and sell an invention that I've patented, called Toothpaste 2 Go. I love interacting with my readers and hope to learn as much about you as you learn about me!