Top 7 Ways to Celebrate Your Anniversary for Less

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Summer represents one of the most popular seasons to tie the knot, which means a number of us are celebrating anniversaries over the next several weeks. My husband and I celebrated six years together in mid-June, and we enjoyed a relaxing day full of good friends, good food and good weather. Since these were the very same components of our wedding day, it seemed an appropriate way to celebrate.

Planning a unique way to enjoy your anniversary without breaking the bank can be challenging, especially when you've been together for a number of years. Consider these seven ideas and remember that at the end of the day, it's all about recognizing the milestone and recommitting to one another.


There are few activities as fun as laughing, and hopefully you and your spouse enjoy a good chuckle more often than not. Schedule some funny time on your anniversary by purchasing tickets to a local comedy club. Amateur nights are usually available for pretty cheap (and sometimes free), plus you can be among the first people to discover the next big thing.

Be Adventurous

Getting outside your collective comfort zone might be just the thing to re-energize your relationship. Daily deals abound for adventurous activities like skydiving, hang gliding and even race car driving, so check out Groupon or LivingSocial for opportunities. Cloud9Living also offers adventure packages in select cities, so peruse their options for an activity within your budget.

Get Pampered

A massage and zen music isn't just for a ladies day out; men enjoy the occasional massage and pamper session, too. If this is up your alley, book a day at your local spa for a couples' massage. Save on the upfront cost by ordering a discount gift card to SpaFinder from such sites as GiftCardGranny, where you can save over 10 percent instantly.

Make it a Group Thing

Who says your anniversary celebration should be limited to just the two of you? For our latest anniversary, my husband and I invited our good friend to join us for a celebratory breakfast. He was the perfect complement to our duo since he married us on our wedding day. Reminiscing about your big day through your friends' memories can make for an especially memorable anniversary.

Renew Your Vows

Ever dream of reliving your wedding? Consider renewing your vows for the ultimate commitment on your anniversary. Use e-vites to spread the word and host a cake-and-champagne soiree in your backyard. By spending very little for a lot of fun, you might wonder why you didn't do it this simply the first time around!


Make your special day benefit someone else by volunteering with your spouse. A fun and interactive volunteer date like Habitat for Humanity offers great bonding while helping others. Plus, it doesn't cost a thing. If you're eager for a getaway, consider a destination that offers volunteer opportunities. For more information on such locations check out Voluntourism.org.

Don't Stress

Every year I rack my brain for some amazing way to celebrate our anniversary, and it usually ends up being more stressful than necessary. Waking up next to my husband and planning our day on the fly resulted in one of the most memorable celebrations, so throw planning to the wind if it gets to be too much.


Kendal Perez is a frugal fashionista and bargain shopper who helps fellow shopaholics find hassle-free ways to save money. As the marketing coordinator for Kinoli Inc., site manager for a family of money-saving websites, Kendal has the resources to be an extreme couponer but prefers a less complicated approach to staying in-budget.



Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley: I'm a former 7th grade Science teacher turned stay-at-home mom that lives in Houston, Texas. I am married to my college sweetheart and have a beautiful daughter named Riley, that definitely keeps me on my toes! I am also involved in starting a small business which would both manufacture and sell an invention that I've patented, called Toothpaste 2 Go. I love interacting with my readers and hope to learn as much about you as you learn about me!