Categories: Product Reviews

Avoid the Average Holiday Weight Gain with Slim-Fast’s Best Tasting Shakes Ever

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This post brought to you by Slim-Fast. All opinions are 100% mine.

My husband came home from work the other day telling me all about an article he read which stated what the average American's weight gain is over the holidays. Care to take a guess? 5 pounds? 8 pounds? Try 12 whopping pounds! :wow: I couldn't believe it. I know we all overindulge a bit with the Thanksgiving turkey and stuffing, the cranberry sauce, Christmas cookies, cakes and candy, etc., but 12 pounds on average? That's a whole lot of weight to try and lose at the start of the New Year.

My plan this year is to battle the bulge before I put on 12 pounds by making smart, healthy choices when I can throughout the day. That way, when I'm at the next holiday feast, I don't have to diet or deny myself those special goodies, because I know I've done enough things right to counteract the small amount of wrong I'm about to do.

Slim-Fast has recently introduced its richest, creamiest, best-tasting shakes ever – all inside a deliciously convenient bottle that’s designed to go everywhere – from your purse to your desk or gym bag. One in four people considering a diet are focused on looking great at a specific event or occasion so whether it’s a Spring wedding, reunion or vacation, Slim-Fast and its new, best-tasting shakes make it easier – and tastier – to wow the crowd.

I've long been a believer in Slim-Fast and admit to drinking it even when I'm not dieting, for it makes me feel full longer and I already loved the taste. The new Slim-Fast shakes will wow your taste buds, provide up to four hours of hunger control and offer 10 grams of protein, five grams of fiber and 24 essential vitamins and minerals, making it easier for you to stick to your weight loss plan and achieve your goals. Flavors available in the new Slim-Fast bottle include:

  • Creamy Milk Chocolate
  • French Vanilla
  • Rich Chocolate Royale
  • Cappuccino Delight
  • Strawberries N' Cream

I had the chance to try the creamy milk chocolate variety and I loved how it tasted! It was extremely rich and creamy and didn't resemble a diet shake in the least. I also really liked the new packaging of the shake itself, sporting an hourglass figure. Every time I took a sip from the new Slim-Fast shake, I knew I was getting one step closer to achieving that shapely figure myself!

The new Slim-Fast shakes are part of the Slim-Fast 3•2•1 Plan: the plan that gives quick results, if done right. Plus it’s flexible so you can get the structure you want and the variety you crave. Here's how the plan works:

  • 3 Snacks: Three nourishing snacks a day such as Slim-Fast 100-calorie snack bars, fruit, nuts or veggies. Slim-Fast 100-calorie snack bars provide a delicious calorie-controlled snack to help curb sweet cravings between meals.
  • 2 Slim-Fast Shakes or Meal Bars per day: Slim-Fast shakes and meal bars are delicious and satisfying, providing the balanced nutrition of a meal and up to four hours of hunger control.
  • 1 Balanced Meal: Enjoy one balanced 500-calorie meal per day. As a rule, try to fill half your plate with veggies, a quarter with protein, and a quarter with whole grains.

The new Slim-Fast shakes are available in the pharmacy sections of grocers and retailers nationwide, including Wal-Mart, Target, Safeway and Kroger and online at Amazon.com and the Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Store on Facebook.

Want to get started on a healthy and delicious way to combat those extra holiday pounds? Be sure to like Slim-Fast on Facebook and you can get started right away and even score a coupon for $1.50 off their new best tasting shakes. Remember, the less weight you put on now, the closer to your weight loss goal you'll be in the New Year!

Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley: I'm a former 7th grade Science teacher turned stay-at-home mom that lives in Houston, Texas. I am married to my college sweetheart and have a beautiful daughter named Riley, that definitely keeps me on my toes! I am also involved in starting a small business which would both manufacture and sell an invention that I've patented, called Toothpaste 2 Go. I love interacting with my readers and hope to learn as much about you as you learn about me!