Getting Crunchy with Katie: Top 5 Tips for Turning Your Halloween into a HalloGREEN!

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When holidays and celebrations roll around, we tend to forget our good, eco-friendly intentions and succumb to the temptation of the adorable decorations and the disposable items sold at the stores.  Among the decorations, the costumes, and the trick-or-treating ritual, Halloween is one of the most wasteful holidays for your wallet and the environment. Here are five practical tips for turning your Halloween into a HalloGREEN.

1. Carry a reusable candy tote.  Ditch those plastic pumpkins with flimsy handles and get your kids a bag made of canvas or recycled materials.  You can even buy a plain bag and decorate it with your kids.  Whole Foods currently has a sale for reusable Halloween bags with goodies for $0.99 (there is a cute pumpkin on the front).

2. Put together your own costume.  Save money on buying expensive costumes by shopping at places like Goodwill and the Salvation Army for gently used costumes or pieces that you can use to put together your own costume.  If you sew, you can make your own costume from inexpensive fabric or hand-me-downs.  Better yet, chat with your friends to see if you can do a costume swap among your group.

3. Make your own decor.  Use natural items like sticks, acorns, pine cones, or whatever else you can find in your backyard or local park.  Involve the kids to create fun Halloween decorations.  If you don't have time to create yourself, then shop at yard sales or Goodwill for used decorations.

4. Give out healthier treats.  Kids collect and consume a lot of candy around Halloween.  Don't worry, I'm not suggesting that you give out apples or pennies.  Buy treats that are made with all-natural and/or organic ingredients instead.  YummyEarth carries organic candies that are individually wrapped.

5. Save and reuse your decorations.  Find ways to reuse your decorations for other holidays or themed parties or save a few pieces for next year. If you invest time and money in making or buying quality decorations, you can use them for years to come.  Dedicate a box or container for storing these items safely.

The five tips above will help you to be a little greener this Halloween.  Taking these actions will even save you money by using items you already have, acquiring or purchasing used items, and saving the items for future reuse.  I challenge you to pick one or two actions to do this Halloween and turn your HalloGREEN!

>> How do you make your Halloween greener?

Katie: I am a wife all the time, IT Business Analyst by day, and nature lover by night (I sneak in a little during the day also). I am on a path to discover and adopt natural living, including 100% all natural body products, cleaning products, organic and local food, gardening, and composting. Join me on my path at my blog, All Natural Katie!