Review - ila security ~ ila Dusk Personal Alarm and ila Wedge Portable Door Alarm

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ila securityDon't get me wrong, I love being a woman, but there's one part I'm not so jazzed about...being physically weaker than men.  Even though it's not talked about much in today's society, there's always that underlying threat we get from men, because in the end we know they can kick our butts if push comes to shove.

I've always been one who takes my personal safety very seriously and yes, living in Texas, I do have a gun for home protection.  But what happens when you're outside the four walls of your home?  How can we as women feel more safe and secure then?

ila security successfully addresses what was a significant gap in the area of stylish female safety and personal security accessories and they allowed me to review both the ila Wedge and ila Dusk products.  Keep reading to learn more!

I reviewed the following items from ila security:

ila Wedge, which retails for $25.00 with FREE SHIPPING

ila Dusk, which retails for $27.00 with FREE SHIPPING

ila security ilaDusk Personal Alarm

The ila Dusk is an innovative personal security alarm that's designed to be kept on display as a fashion accessory – right where you need it.  Clip to your handbag, or use as a keyring, but don’t be misled by its shiny good looks.  In a threatening situation, just pull the chain.  You’ll activate an ear-piercing 130Db female scream that research has shown others are more likely to respond to than a traditional alarm, as well as disorientating an attacker.

It is very lightweight and uses 4 "LR43" batteries (included) which offers three years worth of battery life.  I love using the clasp it comes with to attach the ila Dusk to my purse.  Since I ALWAYS have my purse with me, I know that my ila Dusk will be immediately on hand should I need it.

Having a small child makes me feel like even more of a target for crime sometimes, because I am easily distracted and often focused on Riley.  I'm much more at ease now knowing that if I were to feel threatened in any way, I could protect both myself and my child better than before with the ila Dusk personal alarm.

ila security ilaWedge Portable Door Alarm

Frequent fliers, college students and anyone who is uneasy about staying solo in a hotel room needs to travel with an ila Wedge.  Jam it under a door to make it harder to open, and if an intruder tries to force entry, you (and hotel staff) will be alerted with a 130Db ear-splitting alarm.

To use the ila Wedge Portable Door Alarm, turn the slide switch to the "ON" position; product is on stand-by.  Alarm activates when swing cover swung in approximately 1.5 degree and latched.  Latched alarm will only be switched off by turning the switch to "OFF" position.  The ila Wedge is very small and compact and can easily be taken with you anywhere.

I would even recommend using it as an additional method of home protection, especially if you don't live in the best neighborhood.  I have lived in some pretty seedy apartment buildings when I was younger and definitely would have liked to have the ila Wedge under my front door at night!

A 2010 YouGov/Glamour magazine survey revealed that 68% of women are seriously concerned about their personal safety – and those same women also want to look stylish and fashionable.  If you fall in that 68% or know someone who does, then I definitely recommend the chic security devices from ila security.  Thanks to the ila Dusk and ila Wedge, I feel more empowered when I leave my home, for if either my child or myself are threatened in any way, the whole world is going to know right away!  :childish:

Product Review 4 Stars
Disclosure: I received the ilaWedge and ilaDusk from ila security in order to facilitate my review. No other compensation was received. This product review is based on my own personal experiences with this item and is completely honest and objective.
I'm a former 7th grade Science teacher turned stay-at-home mom that lives in Houston, Texas. I am married to my college sweetheart and have a beautiful daughter named Riley, who definitely keeps me on my toes! I am also involved in starting a small business which would both manufacture and sell an invention that I've patented, called Toothpaste 2 Go. I love interacting with my readers and hope to learn as much about you as you learn about me!

Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley!
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