Review - 20 Second Fitness Workout Program Takes Only 4 Minutes Per Day

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20 Second FitnessI love being a stay-at-home mom, but there is one thing that I definitely am not a fan of and that's the weight I've put on since quitting my job to stay at home.  When I was a Science teacher, it seemed that I was constantly on the run.  I was one of those teachers who never sat down and was always on my feet meandering through the room, helping students and supervising their activities.

Now that blogging has taken the place of teaching, I find that sitting has taken the place of walking and standing and my waistline has expanded because of it.  Although I've tried to work out on a consistent basis, the fact is that I wear too many hats during the day and my time is stretched to its maximum.

I've yet to be able to find a workout program which truly fits in with my busy lifestyle...until now.  20 Second Fitness has allowed me to review their revolutionary workout program which absolutely ANYBODY can find the time for.  Keep reading to learn much more!

I reviewed the 20 Second Fitness Workout Program which retails for $99.99.
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20 Second Fitness Workout Program

The concept of 20 Second Fitness is very different from anything else I've tried in the past.  Spencer Larson, the host and co-creator of this system, stresses that in order to get the most from your body in the least amount of time, you must bring the utmost intensity to your workouts.

He says that someone who runs a 4-minute mile is getting a fabulous workout, even though they only ran for four minutes and that is because they were running as hard as they possibly could for those four minutes.  If you give the most you possibly can to the workout, then you can achieve great things in very little time.  Now this is what I've been looking for!

The 20 Second Fitness system is built around the schedule of 20 seconds of extremely high intensity and then a 10 second rest, followed by another 20 seconds of extreme intensity, etc. for a duration of four to twelve minutes.  The workout program comes complete with 40 workouts on 6 DVDs, a food guide to help you make wiser eating choices, a set of gym-quality resistance bands, a jump rope and a wall progress calendar to track your results.

20 Second Fitness Workout Program Results

I weighed 132 lbs. before becoming pregnant with Riley and my ultimate weight loss goal is to get back down to 130 lbs.  Currently, I weight 142 lbs. and would love to firm up and lose at least 10 lbs.  For me, the scale isn't even the most important thing.  I have an entire closet of great clothes that I would love to wear, but cannot fit into anymore.  Just being able to get back into all of those cute clothes I have would mean the world to me.

I've only been using the 20 Second Fitness program for two weeks now, and I'm amazed at how much stronger and leaner I feel.  What really surprised me was how I felt slightly sore all over my body after the very first four minute workout!  Who knew that you really could get results from just four minutes of work.

Of course, I make sure to give it my all every time I pop that DVD in, for in the end, I'm only cheating myself if I don't push it.  My husband has already remarked that I look thinner and I've even managed to lose 2 lbs. so far!

20 Second Fitness Workout Program

Of course, as any exercise program will tell you, if you want to lose weight, you must also watch what you eat in order to see results the fastest.  The great thing is that the 20 Second Fitness Food Guide breaks it down for you into definite numbers through an easy to calculate formula.

I discovered with this formula that my body burns over 1400 calories a day doing absolutely nothing.  If I do very light exercise a few times a week, my body's caloric burn increases to a little over 1700 calories per day and if I work out hard, as with the 20 Second Fitness program, my body's calorie intake jumps to over 1900 calories per day.  That's a difference of 500 calories per day and that's the amount of calories you must burn over what you take in every day in order to lose a pound per week.

I am very impressed so far with the 20 Second Fitness workout program.  For those of you out there who would desperately like to see a decrease in your waistline but don't think you have the time, give 20 Second Fitness a try and see for yourself how quick this workout program can be!  The time flies by and your energy and motivation are boosted big time.  I am really looking forward to sticking with this program and seeing how being "20 Second Tough" can get me to my fitness goals in just a month or two!

Product Review 4 Stars
Disclosure:  I received the 20 Second Fitness Workout Program in order to facilitate my review. No other compensation was received. This product review is based on my own personal experiences with this item and is completely honest and objective.
I'm a former 7th grade Science teacher turned stay-at-home mom that lives in Houston, Texas. I am married to my college sweetheart and have a beautiful daughter named Riley, who definitely keeps me on my toes! I am also involved in starting a small business which would both manufacture and sell an invention that I've patented, called Toothpaste 2 Go. I love interacting with my readers and hope to learn as much about you as you learn about me!

Melissa @ Mommy Living the Life of Riley!
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